January 11, 2009

How Does Your Garden Grow? - Production Design

Winter, 2008

5 minute Short Film
Produced by CFC
Directed by Ana Valine

The film has a 50's feel to it. I wanted to use bold prints and colours to give the film a theatrical charm. The leading women Rose wears red, burnt orange and yellow, the colours of her prized tomatoes, while her dull inept husband wears navy, teal and light blue. The quality of the film is dull and grainy at the beginning and progressively gets more Technicolor as the story dives into Rose's fantasy world.

Rose works in her garden. I constructed the skirt and apron to get exactly what I wanted, a bold floral print in fall colours, the colours of ripening tomatoes.

The sexy neighbour, Bruce, home from his travels abroad. I went with a James Dean feel for him.

Rose's husband, Geoff, a little drab and uninspiring looking.

Film turns to 50's Technicolour when we go into Rose's fantasy world. The reds and oranges come alive in the vibrant green garden!